STAAD Foundation Advanced Help

Tank & Fluid Properties page

Used to input parameters for the tank structure.

Tank Geometry group
Geometry Unit

Select the units of length used in Tank Geometry parameters.

Internal Tank Diameter (Di)

Type the internal diameter of the tank.

Height of Tank Shell (Hs)

Type the maximum height of the tank shell.

Tank Thickness group
Tank Thickness Unit

Select the units of length used in Tank Thickness parameters.

Avg. Thick. of Tank Shell (Tavg)

Type the value for the average thickness of the tank shell.

Thick. of Tank Bottom (Tbot)

Type the value for the thickness of the tank bottom.

Thick. of Tank Roof (Trf)

Type the value for the thickness of tank roof.

Insulation Thickness (Tins)

Type the value of the thickness of insulation.

Tank Material Properties group
Tank Material Unit

Select the units of length used in Tank Material parameters.

Yield Strength of Bottom Plate (Fby)

Type the yield strength of the bottom plate.

Elastic Modulus of Tank Shell (Es)

Type the modulus of elasticity for the tank shell.

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